Create your platform

Follow a few simple steps and you are just getting started with your Smart home, Smart office or why not Smart city. Start small and expand your platform at your own pace.

  • Takes a maximum of 5 minutes to get started
  • Secure login with Freja eID+
  • Add payment service
  • Login takes place via a web browser when you have finished registering

Book a demo

We are happy to show you how our system works and can make it easier for you or your company. Use the form to get in touch with us and we will book an unconditional meeting for a demo.

    I want newsletters!

    By entering your email address, you agree that AssetBook will save it and use it in accordance with our privacy policy. Protected by reCAPTCHA and Google's privacy policy and terms apply.

    What you get with AssetBooks basic subscription:

    Secure login with Freja eID Plus

    AssetBook uses secure logins via Freja eID Plus. A personal login verified by you ensures that no one but you can view and manage your assets. With Freja eID Plus, you do not have to worry about an unauthorized person gaining access to your alarm systems, emergency lighting or other important systems.

    Direct access and overview

    In your platform, you get direct access to all your assets on a smart GPS map. There you can overview all systems and place your assets in the way that suits you. The platform gives you a clear insight and control over your assets in an easy-to-understand and user-friendly way. Why not import relevant drawing basically so you can switch between your assets and the drawing comes with, eg plumbing, ventilation, electricity.

    Sweden’s largest platform for integration of smart things

    AssetBook is completely unique in the service we offer, as no one else can offer the same amount of assets the way we do. This makes AssetBook Sweden’s largest platform for integrating smart things, and we are growing every day. AssetBook is a complete solution that makes difficult things easy.

    AssetBook is integrated with over 400 smart systems, based on open standard protocols such as:

    • WiFi
    • Zigbee
    • Z-Wave
    • Bluetooth, BLE
    • LoRaWAN
    • ex Philips HUE
    • ex IKEA Home Smart

    …And many, many more.